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Rush Brutally Shreds Backstabbing Republicans Who Attacked GOP For ‘Storming’ Schiff’s Impeachment Hearings

The Republican party is so weak and cowardly.

Many of these buttoned-up old coots like Mitt Romney are controlled by their misguided virtue and held hostage by their phony morality.

These types are always looking to take the “high road” and turn the other cheek, and say things like, “that’s not who we are, we’re better than that.”

Meanwhile, while they’re talking about how morally superior we are, the dirty Dems are running roughshod over us and winning at everything.

These “holier than thou” Republicans like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are the reason we’re in the mess we’re in. They don’t have the balls to stand up to the left. They use “morality” and “high roads” as an excuse and a cover to cower to the liberal agenda, and this is why we lose.

Rush makes a great point here – finally, the House stands up and fights back – they march down to Schiff’s secret meeting and they “occupy” the area. It was great. They took a stand and actually did something.


We’re sick of all the words and soundbites, they mean nothing.

But even when we fight back, these weak cowardly Republicans still find ways to capitulate to the left.

Right after the House bravely faces down Schiff and the Dems, the old “high road” Republicans do what they always do –  attack their own.

“Oh, gee, that’s childish. That’s a stunt. We’re better than that…”

No, we’re not better than that.

We’re in a street fight, and if we don’t get in the gutter and take these people down, we won’t have a country left.

But globalists like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, and Benn Sasse, and all the others don’t care about that, because they actually agree with the Democrats.

They want open borders and more immigration. They don’t care if Christian bakers go out of business over gay wedding cakes. They want endless Middle East wars. They hate Trump’s America First Agenda. So the way these GOP globalists help Dems is by telling you and me that we’re “better than this.”  Because the Dems can’t win when we fight back. The only time they can win is when we’re on the “High Road” patting ourselves on the back for being more “moral” than everyone else.

Rush says it’s time to take the gloves off and fight, and stop virtue signaling, because all you’re doing is being a useful tool for the communist left.

You can watch the video below:

This piece originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.