
NBA Star Beats the Living Daylights Out of Rioter Who Vandalized His Car

Ouch. That'll leave a mark.

OPINION: Things got very ugly and painful for a protester yesterday in California, when the car he tried to vandalize belonged to a 6’6, 225-pound NBA star.

J.R. Smith beat the living daylights out of a rioter who allegedly smashed his car window during the wild protests in L.A. Smith unleashed a barrage of violent kicks on the rioter and landed several blows on the guys head.

When the guy finally manages to get back on his feet, Smith gave the guy one final brutal blow to the head. The beat down finally ended when J.R.’s friends step in–and the protester scurried off in a hurry.

You can watch the video below:

After the attack, Smith said, “One of these motherfu**king white boys didn’t know where he was going and broke my f**king window in my truck.”

Smith said that his truck was parked away from the stores that were being looted.

“I chased him down and whooped his ass,” Smith said.

Smith says the incident was NOT fueled by race or hatred — it was simply revenge for messing with his truck.

“He didn’t know whose window he broke and he got his ass whooped.”

This opinion piece was written by Missy Crane on May 31, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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