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Pro-Trump NFL Coach Tells Liberal Mob: “I’m 100% For America…Kiss My A**”

OPINION: Former NFL defensive lineman and current NFL coach Jack Del Rio has had it with the mob, and he’s not taking it anymore.

Del Rio is a proud and very outspoken Trump supporter. The former head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars and current defensive coordinator for the Washington Redskins made it crystal clear what side of the fight he’s on.

He told the liberals who attack him for supporting President to kiss his a**.

His exact response was, “I’m 100% for America, if you’re not you can kiss my A$$.”

Later he tweeted out a video from popular conservative social media figure Samantha Marika that discusses the truth about the “Trump racism narrative.”

He wrote “Fact not fiction” on his tweet.

Let’s hope that De Rio doesn’t cave to the mob and apologize.

Make sure you show him some support if you’re on Twitter. His handle is @CoachDelRio

This opinion piece was written by Missy Crane on June 25, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.