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‘The View’ Gets Heated When Meghan McCain Calls Out Co-Hosts for COVID Hypocrisy

OPINION: On ‘The View’ Meghan McCain just defended not only Donald Trump, but his supporters as well, while also calling out media hypocrisy.

The View was discussing Trump rallies, expressing concern about the spreading of COVID. But the same hosts watched massive crowds of thousands of people protest–and, in some cases, loot and riot–while not saying anything about COVID. But now, the left is suddenly “shocked” and angry because President Trump is planning to hold a rally in Tulsa.

McCain saw the hypocrisy and called it out. She said, “What we’re seeing is a lot of anger festering up. When you’re seeing people who are now taking it into their own hands and going and opening up playgrounds in Brooklyn because [Democratic New York City Mayor Bill] de Blasio won’t let them [enter], but at the same time hundreds of thousands of people can go protest in Brooklyn. The messaging is very confusing for people.

“We can laugh all we want on here, but this is the most angry I’ve seen a lot of people I know in the center and on the right because the messaging is very confusing. Is COVID a pandemic that we all have to stay sheltered in place and inside, or is it not? Or is it only a pandemic if you are a conservative and a Trump supporter and then you have to stay inside and you’re a hypocrite if you sign this waiver and you go into this rally, but you’re not a hypocrite if you go protest someplace else?”

She’s right, and while I am typically not a fan of McCain I like it when anyone has the courage to point out hypocrisy by the mainstream media.

This opinion piece was written by Missy Crane on June 16, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [1] and is used by permission.