
‘Who Do You Think You Are?!’: Wild Clash on Hannity as Guests Argue Over ‘Defund the Police’

A screaming match broke out on Hannity this week when Dr. Cornel West got into a heated argument attorney with Leo Terrell. The men were debating protests and the left-wing calls to “defund the police.”

West said, “You have to have police who respect the community, there has to be some community control, accountability of both citizens and police and recognizing that the deeper issue of poverty, dilapidated schools, housing… that generates a despair.”

Things quickly spun out of control from there.

Terrell screamed at West, “You have lost control, you’re a dinosaur” and West shot back, “You disrespect me the day that Brother Floyd is put in his grave?! Who do you think you are?!”

Democrats have embraced calls to defund the police as many left-wing cities are ridden with crime and violent protests. Numerous officers have been injured by rioters during the last few weeks, but the media continue pushing the narrative that cops are the enemy.

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