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Elitist millionaire and Trump-hating Robert De Niro took $28 million in coronavirus loans

While small businesses struggle to stay open (and some don’t) all over the country, overrated actor Robert De Niro decided that taking coronavirus relief loans for his restaurants and hotels was a good idea.

Unhinged Robert De Niro constantly rails against President Donald Trump on Twitter and in TV appearances, sometimes ranting with such vitriol that his mental stability appears to be in question.

He hates Trump with a passion and doesn’t mind telling everyone about it. Among other names, De Niro has called Trump mean-spirited, soulless, amoral and abusive.

But putting all of that Trump hatred aside, De Niro was fine with taking $28 million [1] from the Trump administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for his restaurants and hotels.

Gee, Bobby, that seems sort of amoral, abusive and soulless to me. You have all the resources in the world. Need $28 million dollars? Do a movie.

The small businesses in our country don’t have the resources that you do.

These small business owners don’t have a net worth of $500 million like you do.

And their businesses don’t have a net worth of $200 million like your restaurant and hotel business does.

Yes, Bobby, YOU are amoral. Give the money back!

This opinion piece was written by Liberty Paige on July 8, 2020. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [2] and is used by permission.

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