
Nany Pelosi Comes Unglued When Asked Tough Question on CNN

It’s rare, but every  once in a while reporters on CNN will do their jobs and ask tough questions of Democrats.

Earlier today, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer cornered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and asked her why she was rejecting Republican offers for a generous COVID-19 stimulus package. Within moments, Pelosi became irritated and lashed out personally at Blitzer (see the 1:50 mark in the video below):

After Blitzer pointed out that the $1.8 trillion being offered by Republicans is generous, Pelosi angrily responded, “What I say to you is I don’t know why you’re always an apologist–and many of your colleagues–an apologist for Republican positions…That’s nice, but that’s not what we’re going to do.”

Then things got even more heated:


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