
Brian Stelter Told By Guest “You’re The Reason People Can’t Stand The Media”

Author Michael Wolff went on Brian Stelter’s show “Reliable Sources” on CNN this weekend and informed Stelter that he was “one of the reasons people can’t stand the media,” and it was amazing!

Wolff was there to promote his new book, “Landslide, the Final Days of the Trump Presidency,” and he did so following a Twitter spat between the two about statements made in the book about Fox News.

You can watch the segment below.

Mediaite transcribed part of the interview:

“I don’t want you to think that what I said at that point was in any way inauthentic,” he continued. “I think the media has done a terrible job on this. I think you yourself — you’re a nice guy, you know, you’re full of sanctimony. You become one of the parts of the problem of the media.”

“You come on here and you have a monopoly on truth, you know exactly how things are supposed to be done. You are why — one of the reasons — people can’t stand the media,” he added.

Stelter laughed and asked what he should do differently.

“Don’t talk so much, listen more,” Wolff responded.

He told Stelter he’s “incredibly repetitive” and even said, “You’re the flip side of Donald Trump. ‘Fake news,’ and you say ‘virtuous news.’”

“No, we just figure out what is real,” Stelter said.

“Figuring out what is real is not so easy. And most people don’t want to turn to Brian Stelter to tell us what’s real. I’m sorry,” Wolff shot back.

Stelter asked with a laugh why, then, he’s been on CNN a few times this past week.

“You know, I’m a book salesman,” Wolff said.

Stelter concluded by telling Wolff that he loves talking to him and that he was grateful that he came on. “I guess let’s do it again in four years,” Stelter added.

This piece was written by LifeZette Staff on July 18, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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