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Biden Takes Off His Mask & Coughs On Reporters As He Discusses Omicron Spreading Rapidly [VIDEO]

A triple jabbed and masked outdoors Joe Biden approached a few reporters in Nantucket.

He decided to take off his mask and coughed in their direction as he explained he would do exactly what he said Donald Trump did to “make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States.”

When Donald Trump instituted a travel ban, Joe said, “It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.”

What changed?


“You’ve already gotten my release. I decided that we’re going to be cautious make sure there’s no travel to and from South Africans, six other countries in that region except for American citizens who are able to come back. We don’t know a lot about the variant except that it is a great concern and seems to spread rapidly. And I’ve spent about a half-hour this morning with my COVID team led by Dr. Fauci, and so that was the decision” – Joe Biden

Joe Biden, the science guy, just crammed more hypocrisy into 37 seconds than we thought possible.

Based on the comments we see online, nobody is buying what he’s selling any longer.

Here are a few of those comments…

“WOW, A WHOLE 1/2 HOUR! Keep that grind.”

“No mask? It’s mandatory, according to Fauchi, and an elementary student got suspended for refusing to wear one, yet here the mandate person is not wearing his and coughing. So the question remains for many of us “do we wear a mask or not when we are outside?”

“Would this be a ban on black people, much like the Muslim ban by Trump?”

“What about the American citizens you left in Afghanistan? Why can’t they come back home?”

“That umbrella turned into a walking stick pretty quick.”

“This is such fing Kabuki Theater.”

“Now that I’m close to you let me take my mask off and cough on you. You already saw that I was wearing one earlier, so I get the virtue-signaling points, and that’s what matters.”

“Concerns are spewed on thy face, reporter.”

“This is all about controlling people. They are losing their grip, so they must try to scare you back into submission! Don’t give in. Tell them all to f**k all the way off and be free!!!”

This piece was written by Zach Heilman on November 29, 2021. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com [3] and is used by permission.