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Psaki Blames Pandemic As Root Cause For Criminals Looting CVS, Home Depot, Nordstrom

WASHINGTON D.C. – For Liberals, it’s never the criminal’s fault for their decisions unless it fits one of their narratives.

If a Black Supremacist mows down dozens of White people at a Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, they’ll try to pin the blame on the SUV [1] he was driving instead of the registered sex offender with a 50-page rap sheet, Darrell Brooks [2].

If Black Lives Matter [3] and ANTIFA [4] burn and loot cities across the country for an entire summer, they’ll call them peaceful protesters.

If parents speak out against Critical Race Theory [5] and mask mandates [6], they’ll try to label them as domestic terrorists [7].

Now in their latest blame-shifting narrative, Psaki gives mobs of organized criminals a pass by saying the root cause of their illegal behavior is the so-called pandemic.


Peter Doocy: So when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves, and they want to go loot a store, a CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot until the shelves are clean, you think that’s because of the pandemic?

Jen Psaki: I think a root cause and a lot of communities is the pandemic. Yes.

Fortunately, fewer and fewer people are buying the insanity Psaki, Biden, and their ilk are selling.

Here are a few comments from people who have seen the video above.

“Jen Psaki = LIAR”

“Yes! They NEED bread from Nordstrom!!!!” 

“I thought Joe’s economy was so great. That’s what CNN keeps telling me.” 

“It’s impossible to take these people seriously.”

“I feel like Jen should have circus music playing in the background.” 

“Job openings everywhere!!! Why can’t these “looters” get a damn job? This has nothing to do with covid and everything to do with the left’s obsession with defending criminals & their behavior.”

“This whole administration is the worst we’ve seen. It’s not even close.”

“My God, just when you think these fools can’t get more ridiculous, they say something like this” 

This piece was written by Zach Heilman on December 3, 2021. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com [8] and is used by permission.