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Founder Of Ethereum Calls For Wombless Births For Economic “Equality”

The founder of cryptocurrency Ethereum suggested one of the most bizarre things on Twitter when responding to Elon Musk noting concerns about a population collapse, saying that we should consider using “synthetic wombs” to tackle purported economic inequalities [1] between the sexes.

On January 18th, Elon Musk took to Twitter [2] with one of his many random speculations, writing, “We should be much more worried about population collapse.”

Over the past year, Musk has brought up concerns regarding what he calls a “population collapse,” highlighting how birth rates have started dwindling down to levels that “have caused population growth to grind to a halt,” according to a July 2021 report from The Hill [3].

In response to Musk’s Twitter musing, author and founder of Gumroad, Sahil Lavingia, floated [4] the concept of “investing in technology that makes having kids much faster/easier/cheaper/more accessible. Synthetic wombs, etc.”

One Twitter user noted that said suggestion was [5] “an awful idea. Synthetic wombs, for what? Why take on the risk,” which led to Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin trying to rationalize the concept of synthetic wombs by claiming it would also behoove women economically.

“Disparities in economic success between men and women are far larger once marriage+children enter the picture. Synthetic wombs would remove the high burden of pregnancy, significantly reducing the inequality,” Buterin said.

Needless to say, looking at normal, healthy pregnancies and childbirth as some sort of a mathematical problem that must be solved is, frankly, odd – and also doesn’t take into account the many women who genuinely aspire to bear children and look back at their pregnancies as being an emotionally fulfilling experience [6].

Gab’s official Twitter account wound up retweeting Buterin’s odd take with respect to pregnancy, calling Buterin’s take an example “the great war” the current generation is fighting in an effort to preserve “humanity.”

“‘Burden of pregnancy’ ‘Synthetic wombs’ Ultimately, the great war of our age is about preserving our humanity from these technocratic demons,” the Gab account said.

As strange as it seems, reports [9] indicate that scientists have been exploring the concept of synthetic wombs, with even leftist outlet The Guardian exploring on how such a means of creating life is “currently pushing on an ethical boundary.”

This piece was written by Gregory Hoyt on January 19, 2022. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com [10] and is used by permission.