
Melania Trump Is Asked About Impeachment Inquiry During Trip To Capitol Hill

On Wednesday morning, First Lady Melania Trump made her first solo trip to Capitol Hill to meet with lawmakers on the one-year anniversary of a law to address the opioid epidemic. When she arrived there, Melania was asked a question about Democrats impeachment inquiry against her husband, President Donald Trump, and she did not hesitate to make it clear that she did not want to discuss it.

Yahoo News reported that as Melania was leaving the event, she was asked, “How is the impeachment inquiry affecting you and your family?” The First Lady reportedly ignored the question and just kept walking, giving no indication about what her thoughts are on the matter.

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Instead of focusing on the left’s impeachment efforts, Melania talked about the importance of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, which was signed into law by President Trump last October.

“We continue to make great strides in our fight to end this crisis,” she said in the Capitol’s Mansfield Room as she sat below a portrait of President George Washington. M“I have traveled to some of the areas hardest hit by drug abuse and I have seen the devastating effects that this crisis has on families and children,” she said. “This is why the SUPPORT Act is so important. It provides the necessary tools to fight this crisis.”

Melania went on to encourage Americans to take part in National Drug Takeback Day, which is Saturday. She also said that efforts to combat widespread drug addiction were in line with her “Be Best” campaign as first lady, focusing on child welfare.

Melania has always been open about her concerns over drug use, saying earlier this year that she has talked to her young son Barron about the dangers of drugs.

“I teach him,” Melania said of Barron, according to People Magazine. “I try to explain how drugs are dangerous and it will mess up your head, it will mess up your body and nothing comes positive out of it.”

Melania has made fighting the opioid crisis one of the main goals of her time as First Lady.

“The United States is by far the largest consumer of opioids, using more pills per person than any other country in the world. In fact, overdose deaths have quadrupled since 1999 and now account for the majority of fatal drug overdoses,” Melania said at an event in March. “These overdoses are being driven by a huge increase in addiction to prescription painkillers, heroin and now fentanyl. No part of our society or our country has been spared from the deadly disease of drug addiction. As the statistics very clearly demonstrate, it is the worst drug crisis in American history.”

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