
Super Tuesday Election Results Come Pouring In – Dems in Disarray

Today is Super Tuesday, when registered Democrats in many of the nation’s largest states headed to polls to decide the Party’s nominee.

The DNC is desperate to keep Bernie Sanders from becoming the nominee–but so far it seems that those efforts may not be successful. The election results are already pouring in. Here’s what we know so far.

Joe Biden has won Virginia and North Carolina, while Bernie Sanders has won his home state of Vermont.

According to the New York Times, many other states are very close.

Despite the best efforts of the DNC, it looks like it’s going to be a good night for the self-declared socialist Sanders. Here are the current projections:

If Bernie wins the nomination, there will likely be panic at the highest levels of the Democratic Party. Party officials realize that Sanders doesn’t have a great shot at beating President Donald Trump this November.

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