
NYC Mayor DeBlasio booed offstage at Floyd memorial, backs turned toward him

Not a good day for the mayor.

OPINION: Thursday in Brooklyn, NYC, quasi-communist Mayor Bill DeBlasio did not quite get the reception he was anticipating at a memorial for slain ersatz civil rights icon and meth user George Floyd. Because of bad advance work by his staff the mayor walked into a hornet’s nest of bitterness and resentment over his handling of recent riots. Even a presiding clergyman, doing his best to channel Aretha Franklin, could not calm down the angry crowd.

It started as hizzoner took the stage, expecting the warmth all limousine Bolshies expect from their pet proles, “Let us welcome with respect the mayor of New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Chirlane McCray,” the very Reverend Kevin McCall said. Harsh and tumultuous booing then broke out as the mayor ambled to the podium, forcing the Rev to add: “Again, again, again, we said respect! We said respect! Say it with me, respect!” The crowd declined his invitation at a parrot-like intonation.

De Blasio had also garnered catcalls as he arrived at the event, with the crowd shouting “De Blasio, go home” as he showed his mug to the attendees. Rote chants and various cliche-slinging did not sate the antipathy of the unhappy thousands standing there, glaring at the mayor.

Later, when DeBlasio attempted to address the surly group, his words were hardly heard over multitudes chanting “Resign.” Then the crowd began to shout “Turn your back,” at their fellow memorialists and many turned their backs on DeBlasio in an amazing show of disrespect to a man who thought he would have had this crowd in his pocket. Yup, some advance aide is going to get a good pranging for this one.

The president, whose own advance people assure this does not happen to him, had this to say on the general situation, “You have a liberal mayor [in Minneapolis] that frankly was having a lot of trouble and you have a very liberal mayor in New York [City] too and you notice that all of these places that have problems are not run by Republicans, they are run by liberal Democrats, so there is something into that philosophy,” Trump told media.

This all took place under the backdrop of an earlier in the day mayoral press conference outside a city hospital. The presser was called after a police officer was stabbed in the neck the night before in an unprovoked attack. That assault sparked a gunfight that left two additional officers injured and the knife-wielding man wounded.

So DeBlasio is getting it from all sides. The police have seen him run in the face of the rioters and then heard the embattled mayor try to shrug off city destruction because of “400 years of racism.” Many black residents of NYC think his policing policies have been too tough and they, in an interesting dichotomy, are also probably not happy about looting, fires, and street violence in their own neighborhoods.

This is what trendy academic faculty lounge Marxism gets you. The oppressed think you’re just another useless white guy and the supposed forces of reaction hate your guts and laugh at you behind your back. But, cut the mayor some slack. He didn’t elect himself to office. The voters of NYC did. And right now, they are getting just what they deserve.

This opinion piece was written by David Kamioner on June 5, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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