
Fox News’ Martha MacCallum calls out RINO Jeff Flake

Flake lives up to his name.

RINO former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake is not only endorsing Joe Biden, but he’s making the rounds on the evening political chat shows bragging about it. Flake is obviously gunning for one of those cabinet slots reserved for members of the other party, like secretary of transportation.

But in an interview with Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum on Monday, the host held his tiny feet to the fire. Flake did not come off well. MacCallum asked how, as a self-described conservative, Flake could support such a leftwing ticket.

Flake opined, “I think, if you look at Joe Biden’s record, he’s not been that. This is a primary that he has just been through. He also said he would work with Republicans…that’s not a popular thing to say in the Democratic primary, but he did. He’s a creature of the Senate. He knows how to compromise. He knows how to work across the aisle and I’m confident he will do that in the future.”

MacCallum brought up the compromise crime reform bill Trump got through Congress: “The president was actually able to sign that into law. We had eight years of the Obama-Biden administration and they did not take action on that. So why support Joe Biden over President Trump?”

Flake insisted, “I voted for that while I was in the Senate. Joe Biden has been supportive of criminal justice reform… We passed the bipartisan immigration bill that appropriated $20 billion for border security. That was when President Obama and Joe Biden were in the White House. We did that in the Senate. I’ve been supportive of many of the things that the president has pushed.” But then MacCallum got to the heart of the matter, “But you just don’t like his [Trump’s] character.”

“It’s not just that,” Flake said. “Republicans have traditionally been for free trade. The president is very much a protectionist. The Republicans have stood for strong American leadership… He canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, if anything, would have helped keep China in check by allowing countries, particularly in southeast Asia, to go somewhere else for their trade… There’s something to be said for that. I think he [Biden] will preserve the public space so that we can go back to disagreeing about policy and not just this tribalism that we see today.”

Tribalism? What greater example of tribalism have we seen as of late than the anarchy and violence in major American cities supported and abetted by the Democrats? The public space? Has Flake not seen the PC cancel culture that seeks to drive all from the public space except anything that comports with the hard-left ideology of Antifa and Black Lives Matter?

Of course he has. That doesn’t matter to Flake. He thinks he sniffs the political winds changing course and he wants part of the action. So, like so many other Vichy Republicans, he’s thrown away what he said he held dear to beg for scraps from the Democrat table.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on August 25, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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