
“Zucker Affair” Story Doesn’t Add Up, and CNN is in Real Trouble

It was low ratings, not an affair.

You’d be a complete and utter quarterwit, yeah you, if you buy the star-crossed lovers tale of Jeff Zucker and Allison Gollust. The joint is caving in and he’s outta there. This is his excuse. Proof? Look at him. Look at her. End of story. Greg Gutfeld takes a closer gaze.

Gutfeld: Do you want to know how the media manipulates the news? Well, watch what happens when they become the news.

CNN: A stunner here at CNN today. This morning, CNN President Jeff Zucker announced his resignation effective immediately.

BRIAN STELTER: His resignation is stunning this newsroom and the news industry.

CNN HOST: It’s a tough day here at CNN.

STELTER: It is because this is a huge surprise, and it leaves a leadership void.

That’s so funny. They’re shocked. They just had no idea, including Capt. Donut, whose turf is media scandal.

So like my creepy baby shoe collection, this story just doesn’t add up. Do you really think this is about a relationship between two consenting, divorced adults? And if you do, do you mind sharing half of what you’re huffing with me?

Or does it feel like yet another story created by CNN to dupe everyone else? It appears they already fooled their anchors, the equivalent of peekaboo with an infant. But CNN’s the expert on deflection.

First, it was Trump in Russia — four years of hysteria which turned out to be more fake than Kamala’s laugh. There was impeachment theater, which kept their viewers busy, so they missed the COVID outbreak. And there was the crime wave, something that CNN mocked.

To deflect from their culpability, they made Jan. 6 their 9/11. Fact is, Zucker should have been fired out of a cannon into the East River over those huge errors in those tiny, tiny ratings.

But they’re saying it’s about a relationship, which is like saying Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. It’s B.S., which stands for b——- and Brian Stelter, yeah, like he was shocked.

Well, maybe he was shocked that a woman would sleep with Zucker, a guy who came in second behind Stelter in a George Costanza look-alike contest.

When “Radar Online” was about to report on Zucker’s indiscretion, CNN had Stelter run a story aiming to discredit it — and that was a month ago when he called the story garbage and a lie, which sounds exactly like something Zucker would order his minion to do. So he knew. But it gets dumber.

The lady Zucker was romantically involved with is Allison Gollust, or Go-Lust, a senior VP at CNN, Gollust admitted the relationship, saying, “Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for over 20 years. Recently, our relationship changed during COVID. I regret that we didn’t disclose it at the right time.”

So, yeah, it changed during COVID, like it was a symptom of omicron. Apparently their Moderna jab came in the form of Cupid’s arrow. That’s almost as real as this great moment in CNN COVID journalism.


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