
Democrat Cities Crumbling Into “Wastelands of Hopelessness”: Gutfeld

Voters let them.

Democrats and their radical allies like BLM make cities unlivable for profit and power. But voters elect these miscreants to office. The ultimate responsibility lies with them. Gregg Gutfeld clarifies.

Gutfeld: When I look at the rubble in these bombed-out cities of Ukraine, I’m reminded of some of the cities here, except our refugees are heading to Florida — and we didn’t need bombs to do it, just a few Democrat mayors who let the cities crumble into wastelands of hopelessness.

If you brought Ukrainians from Mariupol to San Francisco to live, they’d be like, “Screw this, I’m heading home.” Things are so bad, that’s the title of Dana Perino’s new book. It’s a sad fact about life. As you let yourself go, it becomes easier to let yourself go even more. It’s a downward spiral: Baltimore, downtown Los Angeles, Kat’s office. That’s why we make the cleaning crew sign a waiver.

But when you create an environment of low expectations, many join in as others flee. And if they’re Democrats, they create that environment, then flee to their gated communities, and the people left behind end up with legalized looting and no cash bail.

Remove basic standards and you make anything possible. And like the Democratic candidates for 2024, none of the possibilities are good. For the last decade, we were told that broken-windows policing was not just ineffective; it was, in fact, racist, along with math and trees and Christmas, the NFL, and being white.

The broken-windows theory states that visible signs of crime, antisocial behavior and civil disorder creates an environment that encourages more serious crime. And by having police crack down on those visible signs, it reduces more serious offenses.

You reverse decline and give residents a sense of pride in where they live. Simply put, people don’t crap where they eat, and in places like San Francisco, they need to take that literally.

In New York City, when Giuliani took over, they used such policing and it worked. Crime dropped, murder rates shrunk. The city became the tourist capital of the world. You never had to watch your back — well, unless Andrew Cuomo was behind you.

Of course, that’s changed under the left-wing lurch known as de Blasio, who abandoned broken-windows policing. Crime has exploded.

But it’s been good for race relations. Now people of all creed and color live with broken windows, broken noses, and broken spirits. And remember, once we start living with broken windows in the streets, it might just become everywhere.

If there are no consequences, go ahead and give in to your darker impulses. Throw your trash out the window. Punch an old lady. No one can judge your lifestyle, even if it leads to the death style of someone else. Tent cities and homeless encampments spread because our political leaders, so terrified of the woke, lost the b—- to set standards and found dereliction preferable to policing.

Now, smash-and-grabs are regular occurrences. That’s because the number one rule of libs and establishment media is to never judge anyone’s behavior unless, of course, it’s a political opponent.

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