
Lindsey Graham Calls For Putin’s Assassination: ‘The Only Way This Ends’

Like most of what he says, this will not age well.

Senator Lindsey Graham openly called for the assassination of sitting Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday. First he discussed the matter with Sean Hannity on Fox News, where he said Putin should be charged for international crimes, then he took to Twitter to double down on his assertions.

“Is there a Brutus in Russia?” he tweeted. “Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military? The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your country – and the world – a great service.”

“Easy to say, hard to do,” he declared.


Twitter users did not take kindly to the comments.

Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene said, “While we are all praying for peace & for the people of Ukraine, this is irresponsible, dangerous & unhinged. We need leaders with calm minds & steady wisdom. Not blood-thirsty warmongering politicians trying to tweet tough by demanding assassinations. Americans don’t want war.”

Yale Professor Howard Forman wrote, “Just a reminder: you are a SENIOR official of the US government. You are using Twitter to call for a violation of international law. Maybe do your job and don’t call for others to violate laws, however much we all might hate Putin and wish him ill.”

Writer Molly Jong-Fast said, “Probably not the most responsible thing for a U.S. senator to tweet.”

One user quipped, “You are not supposed to call for assassinations on Twitter, it’s against their policy.”

Jack Posobiec said simply, “Resign. Now.”

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