
Trump Makes Announcement About 2024 Election at Huge Georgia Rally Last Night

The 45th American president held another energetic rally Saturday night in Commerce, Georgia.

Donald Trump told the enthusiastic crowd that he believes he won the 2020 Presidential Election.

“The truth is I ran twice, I won twice, and I did much better the second time,” he proclaimed. “And now we just may have to do it again.”

While Trump has not committed to running for president in 2024, he has hinted in the past that his decision would be based on the results of the 2022 mid-term elections.

The former president spent the first half of his rally talking about Georgia politics. He was sharply critical of Georgia’s Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, and even criticized the current Republican governor, Brian Kemp. Trump claims that Governor Kemp was too cowardly to investigate allegations of widespread voter fraud in Georgia after the 2020 election.

Trump is endorsing David Perdue, a former Republican Senator, for Georgia governor in 2022.

“David Perdue will never surrender to Stacey Abrams and the militant radical left, not going to happen with your vote. We’re going to rescue the state of Georgia from the RINOs,” he said.

“First we need to defeat the RINOs and the sell outs and the losers in the primaries this spring,” he added.

The second half of Trump’s rally was devoted to criticizing Joe Biden. While he said he believes that Biden “has managed to kill, literally kill, the American dream,” he encouraged his supporters to “not lose hope, because with the right leadership America will be back greater, stronger, and more powerful than ever.”

The tone of the rally was very optimistic, overall, and told the crowd, “This is the year we’re going to take back the House, we’re going to take back the Senate, and we are going to take back our country. And in 2024, most importantly, we are going to take back that gorgeous, beautiful, breathtaking White House.”

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